
FSNotes is modern notes manager for macOS and iOS. App respects open formats like GitHub Flavored Markdown, so you can easily write documents on iPhone and MacBook. It's simple and blazing fast!


FSNotes is an open source project and is provided for free, but you can support development by buying application in App Store or Mac App Store for symbolic price.

No subscriptions ever.

Desktop and Mobile Apps

iCloud Drive synchronization

Supports the TextBundle Format

Store images and text in one place with

TextBundle containers 🧳

Store notes secure with

Encrypted TextBundle containers (AES-256) 🔐

Edit with TouchBar

FSNotes Touch Bar on macOS

Edit faster with virtual buttons on your TouchBar

Lock notes with TouchID

Fingerprint on macOS and iOS

Encrypt and decrypt sensitive notes with one touch

Dark Mode

Dark Mode on macOS and iOS

Balanced, polished dark theme

Optional Git versioning and backups

Git versioning and scheduled backups

Many more

FSNotes for iOS

  • Sync via iCloud Drive.
  • TextBundle and EncryptedTextBundle containers.
  • Pinned notes kept in sync with the desktop app.
  • Dynamic fonts
  • Dark mode by location or screen brightness.
  • Sharing extension.
  • Encrypted note support.
  • Deep git integration.
  • Encrypted folders support.
  • Organize with tags.
  • Web Pages Creation.

Please do not buy if such features are important to you in mobile FSNotes:

  • NO subfolders and no subfolders are planned!
  • NO Dropbox, WebDAV, Google Drive sync.

Community ⚒



Repository for macOS/iOS app


Bugs and requests

Thanks to all FSNotes contributors who helped me, especially @jeff-h, @gingerbeardman, @baranpirincal, @peavine, @buddax2, Michael Barzmann for Deutsch translation, aonez for Spanish.


Please feel free to send feedback and questions by email to [email protected]

Telegram: https://t.me/fsnotesapp